Tuesday, 29 September 2015

5 Things you don't know that Siri can do !

In iOS 9, Siri comes with a lot of improvement and better performance. There are several new things that you can try with Siri. Here they are : 

1. Adjust your screen brightness.

Just say "Change screen brightness" and you'll get a slider to adjust your brightness. Not only brightness setting, you can also this with fonts or other things. Give it a try !

2. Find what people say on twitter.

One of many things that you can do with Siri is to know what people say on tweeter. Say "What [name of twitter user] saying?" and Siri will display their tweets in your screen.

3. Selfie with camera 

In previous post, I've shown to take selfie with your front camera. Many people don't know that you can tell Siri to take selfie. Just say "Siri, take a selfie" and your camera app will open, ready to take your photo selfie. 

4. Turn on or off your available network

With Siri, you can turn on or off your wifi, bluetooth , airplane mode and other network options. For example, you can say "Siri, turn wifi on"

5. Read your message

Did you know that Siri can read messages for you ? To do this, just say "Read latest message" and siri will check latest messages from your message app.


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