Friday 9 October 2015

How to run two apps simultaneously on your ipad in iOS 9

 In the new iOS 9, Apple introduce new features for apps in iOS 9 which bring true multitasking in iOS 9. There are two types of this feature, which called as Split View and Slider Over.

Slide Over : Open New app while you already open an app.

To do this, you can swipe in from the right side of your screen to open new app along with the existing one.

A new window will open in a third of  the size of your screen and will display the app you choose.  You can also change it by swipe down from the top of your slide over window to show other apps, such as Safari, Maps, Photos, Calendar and stock apps in default iOS 9 installation.

Split View : Open two apps at once
In this type of multitasking feature,  You can run two apps side by side in your ipad screen at the same time. 

In order to do this , You just need to pull down  the top of your screen in Slide Over window and you’ll be have two active apps.  The other thing that you can do with this feature is to resize your app respectively or to have custom size screen for each app.  Just one thing you need to remember that this feature will only available on iPad Air 2.


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